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Sundas Araim


Sundas Araim is a dedicated Legal Intern at Najla Abu-Shaaban & Associates, PC, currently in her junior year at the University of Houston Honors College. Majoring in Supply Chain Management with a minor in Law, Policy, and Value, she combines her academic strengths with a growing legal acumen.
Her role at Najla Abu-Shaaban & Associates, PC, involves assisting with various legal matters, where her unique perspective on supply chain dynamics and policy adds valuable insights. Sundas's aspiration to become a lawyer is fueled by her commitment to understanding the intricate relationship between commerce, law, and societal values.
An advocate for legal awareness and ethical practices, Sundas is actively engaged in her university's clubs and community initiatives. Her work at the firm, coupled with her academic endeavors, is paving the way for a promising career in law.

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